How to buy bitcoin with USDT in Exchange market
This user guide will demonstrate how to trade USDT for BTC through the Exchange on the CoinCola APP.
Step 1.
Log in or register a new CoinCola account, click here to sign up.
Click here: Download APP
Step 2.
To start trading, you’ll need to deposit or transfer cryptocurrency assets to your CoinCola Exchange Account. See How to deposit cryptocurrency to your wallet? and How to transfer assets between OTC and Exchange Accounts for more information. If your Exchange account already has cryptocurrencies, skip to the next step.
Step 3.
In the following steps, we’ll demonstrate how to trade USDT for BTC. Select ‘Exchange’ from the navigation bar along the bottom. Choose the ‘BTC/USDT’ .
Step 4.
After reviewing market prices, you can choose to place a limit order or a market order according to your needs. For more information on market and limit orders, see What’s the difference between a market order and a limit order?
For Limit Orders, enter the amount of BTC you would like to buy. For Market Orders, the trade price is fixed and you can only enter the amount of USDT you would like to exchange for BTC. Click ‘Buy BTC’ to complete the order.
Step 5. After clicking “BUY BTC”, you can check the status of this order under the button. If completing order, you can view “Trade History”.
If you still have confusion about the Exchange market, feel free to contact us: +852 90653442.